[Ansteorra-missile] Round Table and other topics....

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Tue Mar 1 05:58:40 PST 2005

Good Morning,

  Here are some notes regarding what was talked about at Round Table as
  well as some of the rulings from the discussions they spawned.

  In addition there will be some minor changes to the Royal Rounds coming
  out shortly that will also be published in the Blackstar.

  I apologize for any duplicates you get as well as the tardiness of this
  information for those who were not present at the meeting.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase   | Personal Motto
Bryn Gwlad - Ansteorra |   Latin  : Mihi purgo, meus canis urit
Dark Horde Moritu      |   English: Excuse me, my dog is aflame
pug at pug.net            |  
  Note: The views do not reflect the SCA nor the Kingdom of Ansteorra.
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                                  Round Table Summary
                              And Other Items of Interest

Below is the information as it pertains to the Archery Marshal area of
responsibility. Most of it was covered at the actual meeting, and others
are decisions that came out of the discussions.

1. Authorizations
   a. The authorizing marshals databases are in to the Marshalet Secretary
      and new forms are available for authorizations
      i. These forms are only available to authorizing marshals
     ii. Forms are filled out and mailed to the Secretary who will mail
         a card to the authorized fighter
    iii. There is a 30 day temporary authorization form included for those
         fighters needing it
   b. People found to be falsifying authorizations will have strict measures
      taken against them
      i. Anyone found authorizing without being on the list could have
         all of their authorizations yanked
     ii. Anyone found forging names on the form or card will have all
         of their authorizations yanked
   c. The list of authorizing Archery Marshal is available on the webpage
   d. In the near future the Kingdom Archery Marshal will make criteria
      available for each of the authorization types

2. Youth fighting
   a. 16 and 17 year olds are now able to be authorized for adult chivalric
   b. At least one parent must be present for the authorization, agree to
      allow their child to be authorized, and sign the appropriate waivers
   c. Youth can be authorized for combat archery in addition to other weapon
   d. There is expectation that youth will have a visible indicator of their
      age on their helm within Ansteorra
      i. This is not true for other Kingdoms
   e. All authorizations are being performed by the Kingdom Earl Marshal only

3. Reporting
   a. The Earl Marshal announced that combat related marshals report once a
      month, and Regionals/Kingdom report once a quarter
      i. Local Archery Marshals can still report once a quarter if in good
     ii. Any AM not in good standing will report once a month, and if they
         fail to do that (such as 2 missed reports) they can be removed from 
         office for failure to report
   b. Injury reports must be reported to the appropriate Kingdom marshal
      within 24 hours
      i. This includes incidents that you become aware of where the person
         sought medical attention after the fact

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