[Ansteorra-missile] Academy of the Bow

Paul Thorne paulthorne at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 19 20:11:30 PDT 2006

Unto the Archers of Ansteorra do I send greetings,


            As many of you know and for those of you who don't, there will soon be an Academy of the Bow being held.  This event will take place on August 4-5 in the Incipient Canton of Rivers Run.


            I will be teaching a class on the proper construction of Ansteorra legal combat arrows and bolts.  In order to facilitate getting more combat archers onto the field with this new found knowledge, I plan on having with me for sale most of the components needed to make your very own combat legal arrows and bolts.  I am not taking pre-orders so you must be there to purchase them.  This will be on a first come first served basis and once I'm sold out then we will have to try to make other arrangements.  Here is what I plan on bringing;


1.)                Routed Channel Siloflex APDs ($0.25 ea.)

2.)                Asgard APDs ($0.55 ea.)

3.)                1" thick cross-linked PE foam discs ($0.25 ea.)

4.)                Crossbow length Extren 500 fiberglass shafts ($0.50 ea.)

5.)                Arrow length Extren 500 fiberglass shafts ($1.00 ea.)

6.)                Crossbow length Extren 500 fiberglass shafts with UHMW core ($1.00)


Here are some additional items that you will need to bring if you actually want to assemble your arrows or bolts on site;


1.)        1" wide good quality strapping tape

2.)        E6000 or Goop adhesive

3.)        If you want to dress your missiles up some, bring your favorite electrical tape (a good quality tape like "3M" brand) in any color except yellow

4.)        Scissors



I would prefer that if there are some newer archers that are planning on attending that they get first dibs on materials as ideally we want to get more of us out there.  I look forward to seeing all of you there.



Lord Jean-Paul de Calmont

Arcarius to HL Eadric Anstapa CAOA

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