ARN - Cadets in Court

Russell Parker rparker at
Wed Jun 2 12:46:49 PDT 1999

<stands and applouds> Well said

Ledonna wrote:
> Greetings,
> Since we are speaking about cadets being in court, then here's my two
> cents worth.  I will warn everyone this may offend, however I have a
> right to my opinion.  And if this is a true open forum we can then
> discuss the differences with a friend.
> First, I am Delphina de Champeaux cadet to Don Etienne de Montagu. I
> have been his cadet for four now and have had this belief long before
> that.
> I feel that my scarf has nothing to do with anyone but my Don and those
> whom he sees fit to cadet.  My loyatiles are to the Crown, namely the
> Queen and Princess.  I will do their bidding.  I will not, however
> support the idea that the cadets of the Dons of Ansteorra are a group
> unto themselves.  We are the fencers who have caught the notice of a
> white scarf.  That Don(a) has said that they will help us become a
> better fencer, leader and person.  That is the award I received when I
> accepted my red scarf, I need no other.
> Her Highness has made a statement of Great trust by asking the cadets to
> stand behind Her at court.  She has said that She trust all of the Dons
> of Ansteorra to have chosen wisely and prudently when giving someone a
> red scarf.  I hope to live up to Her and  Etienne's expectations.
> On to the idea of the cadets coming together to improve the community.
> Everytime you step out on to the field, everytime you fight a new
> person, everytime you help a child/adult with a task that they are
> doing, everytime you teach someone about the arts you do so well,
> everytime you speak kind words to another, everytime you see what needs
> to be done and do it without pomp you are improving the SCA more than
> you will ever know.Everyone should come together in order to make that
> kind of improvement.
> I thank you for reading this and welcome any discussion it brings with
> it.
> I remain in service
> Delphina
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