Fw: Re: ARN - Ansteorra's Rose's Tourney

Sean Hertzberg s_hertzberg at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 20 15:04:54 PST 2000

Um....not quite accurate.

<some snippage>
>I think Avery went into the finals with one death, and killed Simon in the
>first exchange, if memory serves me.  And if memory serves me, it was Avery
>and Don Duncan that whomped Sir Duncan out of the list itself *grin*
>Both of the finalists had faced the "not so dreaded by" during the day.  

I fought Sir Duncan, but it was NOT as the bye.  I was his second loss, he 
was still in the list when we fought.  I did not fight a bye that day.

I personally have no problems with the list, it was run as it was run...more 
chance for glory for me...;)


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