ARN - New Topic

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Fri Feb 25 17:57:30 PST 2000

> you mean like, Stargate's future Contrade Event?  It seems like it
> be fairly different...

Yes and no.  They're trying something new that has a lot of potential.
However they're still having a tournament (the champions battle) and there
will be a winning team.  What I'm talking about would be more along the
lines of, say a fair, where two rival fencing schools are present.  At the
same time, the local constable has determined that a murderer is stalking
the fair, at the same time a local nobleman's daughter conspires to have her
betrothed assassinated and run off with her lover, a student of one of the
fencing schools, who's arch-rival happens to be the younger brother of the
betrothed, all while an agent of a foreign government attempts to purchase
vital information, et cetera, et cetera.  In this respect, it would combine
some aspects from live action roleplaying but still be free-form enough for
people to simply enjoy the experience.

Bear in mind, that's all just off the top of my head.  The logistics of such
a thing would be daunting, between tailoring a site to give a credible
impression of a fair, to recruiting schills for some of the roles that
can't/shouldn't be filled by participants, to figuring out how to marshall
an impromptu duel in a crowded marketplace, to making sure there are enough
plotlines running to keep everyone involved.

So consider this more along the lines of a theoretical exercise.


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