ARN - Heavy/Light Rapier

Jesus Cavazos toshirokoi at
Tue Feb 29 06:24:00 PST 2000

>From: CADET1313 at
>Reply-To: ansteorra-rapier at
>To: ansteorra-rapier at
>Subject: Re: ARN - Heavy/Light Rapier
>Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2000 20:27:59 EST
<<  Why not have a heavy rapier AND a light rapier tournement at an event. 
>  way everybody can fight in which ever style they wish. Or in both.
>  Toshiro Koi
>  Ansteorra >>
>Because if it was done at GotG who would get the Guantlet?

I'm not saying do it at every event. It won't work at some events because 
the event is for a specific purpose. I'm saying why not try it at events 
where you don't need an overall rapier winner. If you can have two winners, 
think about it?
But like I said, this is only an idea for discussion. Not something I demand 
to happen.

Toshiro Koi


"The Fields are green,
The blossoms bloom.
I go to nourish them
With honor."

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