ARN - While we're talking about the new cards...

Theron Bretz tbretz at
Tue Sep 19 18:07:47 PDT 2000

> You could always apply to be the next Earl Marshal
>  Robert

I was thinking of taking this up with the current EM and presenting the
objections expressed by individuals, once I determined whether or not my
personal objections were in the minority.

Given that one of the unspoken qualifications for the job is knighthood, I
doubt I'd be considered for the position.  And before you go on saying that
any member can hold the position, I'd ask you to name an Ansteorran KEM who
wasn't a knight.  There hasn't been an unbelted Earl Marshall in this
Kingdom in my 15 years and I doubt there ever was.


Trivia Question:  Who can name the only Ansteorran KRM who wasn't a WS?

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