ARN - A Note of Thanks JEvans5420 at
Mon Feb 5 14:19:10 PST 2001

Please note Sir Emrys's humble facade. He deserves an oscar.  He was one of the major killers for Bjornsborg.


In a message dated Mon, 5 Feb 2001  5:00:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, Bob Kelley <bkelley at> writes:

<< Greetings to the list!
    As a newbie to the rapier field, please allow me a moment on this
forum to express how much I enjoyed this Sunday's southern regional war
practice.  The scenarios fought and the lessons discussed were immensely
valuable. Although not a newbie to combat, I found the fun and
camaraderie displayed to be very, very refreshing.  And yes, it was
enjoyable to once again fight alongside my lovely lady.
    May I send these notes of special thanks?

   * to Don Tivar for explaining the differences in the blow calling and
     the power necessary to achieve the desired result between fighting
   * to Don Robert for his words of encouragement.
   * to Sir Duncan for demonstrating how to properly hang a shield.
   * And a special note to all those in the rapier community who
     welcomed me into their fold.

    Yes, the day once again reminded me of the affection that exists
between the baronies of Bryn Gwlad and Bjornsborg.  I can't wait to
learn more about what you in rapier have enjoyed all along!  Count me

Baron of Bjornsborg

P.S. to Ld Pieter Rausch - I love the 40" blade and to Dona Isobel -
great leadership!

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