ARN - Melee tips update

j_smallw@TITAN.SFASU.EDU j_smallw at TITAN.SFASU.EDU
Tue Feb 6 05:38:11 PST 2001

Lindenwood lesson : You can't get a whole lot of practice in with only 3
to 7 fighters.  Some practice, yes, but not a whole lot.


On Mon, 5 Feb 2001, James T Crouchet wrote:

> I just posted an update to the Ansteorran melee tips page with some info
> from lessons learned at the practice in Bryn Gwald on Sunday.
> Do others have anything to add? Lessons maybe I missed, or something I said
> with which you disagree?
> Also, was anything nifty (and publicly postable) learned from the practice
> in Lindenwood?
> Doré
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