ARN - Stop Walmart

Phelippe Descors descors at
Wed Feb 21 06:24:41 PST 2001

I have heard this stuff before on other lists.  They are testing a few
select stores on how well they will fare by removing the fabric/arts and
crafts section, last I heard it maybe 15% of all stores nation wide.  The
official statement from Walmart that I saw was that the testing would be
done in areas where Walmart has a lower customer base than other stores in
the area/state.  And on top of that I have spoken to several employees,
including a general manager or 2 and they said that there are next to no
store here in Texas that will be affected by this test.  That's not to say
that the game may have changed within the last couple of months without me
hearing about it, though it could happen.

Walmart has made an online statement saying this and I'll try to find it and
post the url for those interested in a day or so, I have to do a lot of
digging through old email so please be patient.

	Lord Phelippe

   Walmart has decided that they want to remove the craft section
completely nationwide with the exception of having prepackaged blocks of
material two yards each. Walmart has been a great source of reasonably
material and supplies for a large number of people in the S.C.A, not to
mention convenient being that most are open 24 hours. It has already started
in some areas. I would like to urge everybody opposed to this action to call
the Walmart hotline at 1-800-WALMART and protest, if enough people call they
won't do it.

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