ARN - Calling out when you are dead JEvans5420 at
Thu Jan 18 11:12:16 PST 2001

"May his bones and entrails attract the sharks as chum as his words on this mailing list."

In a message dated Thu, 18 Jan 2001 11:15:05 AM Eastern Standard Time, gtaylor <gtaylor at> writes:

<< Puck Curtis wrote:

> Personally,
>   When I die, I prefer all the action around me to stop.  Everyone should
> lower their heads mournfully.  As I am propped up by faithful comrades, I
> will heroically recite a painful and moving speech concerning honor, death,
> and fate.  The speech should be at least 2 pages long.

Single or double spaced?  And...any requirements on margins or font size?


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