[Ansteorra-rapier] A Guardsman's challenge

Walter Robin wr at plumes.org
Mon Sep 10 11:24:31 PDT 2001

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BELIEVING a Guardsman should maintain the highest level of skill possible
AND that the exercise of the practice yard is not sufficient to maintain the highest level of skill
AND in keeping with the sometime tradition of the Guard
I OFFER this universal challenge:

I will provide a forfeit (prize) to any who best me in a tournament bout or in a one-bout challenge at an event.  The challenger may select any rapier style; one challenge per event.

Fellow Guardsman who wish to challenge me may consider offering their own stake to make it a true wager.

Good speed & good cheer,
Ld Walter Robin
Queen's Guardsman
"Notice:  the site for Mooneschadowe Guardian has changed to Camp Cimarron."


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