[Ansteorra-rapier] Re: bored...Peppermint List Request

Berta Allen chrystal_dragon at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 20 19:40:47 PST 2002

Additional request if I may...
To anyone who knows any Ansteorran Dons or Cadets who are not on any of the
email lists that this was posted to within Ansteorra, please forward this
request to them & ask them to send me the information to
chrystalamacruari at yahoo.com.
Anyone not on any form of email at all, please contact them & have them send
their information to:
Roberta Allen
225 Olive Street
Huntsville, TX  77340


PS- Who ever doesn't send me current information will not be updated...
their information will be blank... just SCA name... hint-hint
Thanks in advance!!

>From: "Berta Allen" <chrystal_dragon at hotmail.com>
>Subject: <Cadet's Corner> Re:  bored...Peppermint List Request
>Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 02:25:23 +0000
>Well Amerinda, one way not to be bored...
>How about sending me your info for the Ansteorran Peppermint List update to
><chrystalamacruari at yahoo.com> ... and anyone else reading this, please
>contact me if you haven't already. I will be posting a list soon (next
>-/+) to all of these lists of names of Dons & Cadets within Ansteorra who
>have not sent/contacted me. Thanks in advance!!!
>Those Dons & Cadets outside of Ansteorra wishing to be included, please
>me your information as well & I will establish an Out of Kingdom section to
>keep the information flowing.
>Send any questions to chrystalamacruari at yahoo.com
>Chrystal Ariana MacRuari
>SCA/Mundane Name
>(Dons) Date Don elevated
>(Dons) Queen's name
>(Dons) Date received red scarf
>(Dons) Name of your Don
>(Cadets) Date received red scarf
>(Cadets) Name of your Don
>Device charge
>Persona & time period
>Notes (example - "No calls after 10pm")

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