[Ansteorra-rapier] Question for our fearless leaders

DonPieter@aol.com DonPieter at aol.com
Thu Jan 24 13:24:52 PST 2002

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
It sure is bad when your disclaimer is longer then your post :o)


"No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriousyl"
- Dave Barry

In a message dated 1/24/02 1:35:17 PM Central Standard Time,
tbretz at montroseclinic.org writes:

> Which is why I can't figure out why people look back on it so fondly (except
> to relive the glories of youth).  It's like saying, "Hey, remember when
> that
> volcano would blow up every few months and kill our families and our crops?
> Wasn't that great?"*
> At any rate, it certainly wasn't boring.
> Etienne
> *This was a joke.  Volcanoes aren't funny in real life, just ask the
> citizens of Herculaneum.  I'm not funny, so those of you who aren't used to
> seeing me make jokes may assume that my approval of volcanic activity is,
> in
> fact, a statement of policy.  Worse, since I may be advocating a
> neighborhood volcano in my capacity as a White Scarf, it could be construed
> as a matter of policy vis-a-vis the Order.  Again, this is not the case.
> None of us think volcanoes are funny.  Even Gilbert and Sego. Unless, of
> course they happen to Trimaris.

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