[Ansteorra-rapier] Youth Rapier Monthly Reports

jaysmom jaysmom at swbell.net
Wed Apr 16 06:24:28 PDT 2003

Hey Folks, just a reminder -

1. if you are a local group marshal, you should be sending monthly
reports to your regional detailing the YR activities in your area (if
any).  If there is nothing to report, please drop a quick note saying
just that.

2. If you are a Regional Marshal, you should be sending monthly
reports to the KYRM (that would be me :-) summarizing what your
locals have told you.

3. If you are a local marshal who doesn't have a regional marshal,
please send your reports to the KYRM (again, that would be me :-)

4. If your event has a youth rapier tourney, you should send a report
to the KYRM (again, that would be me :-)

5. If you prefer to send a paper report, rather than an email or some
sort of word doc/spreadsheet, please contact the KYRM (once again... ;-)
for a mailing address.

Thanks for your help with keeping our reporting up to date!

Simone Valery la Rousse
Kingdom Youth Rapier Marshal
jaysmom at swbell.net
281-347-1495 (no calls after 9pm)

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