[Ansteorra-rapier] Word fame?

JoHn LoPeZ dafoot242 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 17 10:32:28 PST 2003

 Don Iago, The young Ladys name was Lori. I dont
remember her last name, but she is form Bryn Gwlad.

--- IagoAH at aol.com wrote:
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> I'd like to send out a bit of praise, though I don't
> know the name of the
> young lady.  As the ravine battle was wrapping up,
> she found herself alone
> and surrounded on all sides, the last of the
> Ansteorran army.  Before the
> offer of single combat could be made, she attacked
> the Trimarian line, taking
> one or two with her as she was eliminated.
> Anyone know who she was?
> Iago
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