[Ansteorra-rapier] Argent Anniversary plans

Chris Zakes moondrgn at austin.rr.com
Tue Nov 25 11:55:56 PST 2003

At 06:24 AM 11/25/03 -0800, you wrote:

>Also is there anyway to have a show of rapier history?
> Not necessarily on the list field. 

Sure. We'll just put me in a ring in some of my old armor, with a foil and
a rattan dagger and charge people $1.00 to fight me. <G> (I'll have to get
a dispensation from the Kingdom Rapier Marshal, since rattan daggers aren't
legal in Ansteorra any more.)

Seriously, that's a good idea--displays of then-and-now weapons, armor and
rules, photos from the past, etc.

	-Tivar Moondragon

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