[Ansteorra-rapier] Queens Champion

Randy Martin rmartin at crs.atcaff.com
Fri Jul 30 04:18:48 PDT 2004

 I believe you have to be present to be eligible to win :)  
  To enter, one should present a current Ansteorra Rapier Authorization Card, if you do not have one, but have one from another kingdom, talk to the Marshal in charge, and I'm sure accommodations can be arranged. You must pass armor inspection, and weapons inspection. It's 6 am for me, and that is all that comes to mind at the moment. If there is more, I'm sure someone will pipe in and correct me.....
I would highly suggest that if you can make it, do. It is an awful lot of fun, and you will see/ meet many of our Kingdom's finest. 
Redulf von Kol

-----Original Message-----
From: ansteorra-rapier-bounces+rmartin=autocraft.com at ansteorra.org [mailto:ansteorra-rapier-bounces+rmartin=autocraft.com at ansteorra.org]On Behalf Of chris lucas
Sent: Friday, July 30, 2004 12:26 AM
To: Ansteorra RapierNet
Subject: [Ansteorra-rapier] Queens Champion

Since I have yet to recieve a Black star, I was wondering if there are any special requirements for one to enter the impending Queens Champion tourney.


Kristoff Fugger


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