[Ansteorra-rapier] re: Challenge to all Rapier fighters

MoxFool@aol.com MoxFool at aol.com
Tue Jun 8 03:16:59 PDT 2004

- Witam, czesc Panstvo!

I saw this 'gauntlet challenge', and wondered what the usual protocol was for 
one. We don't have anything like this up here in the Middle.

Pan Zygmunt Nadratowski, House Griffin's Moon
Middle Kingdom, Barony of the Northwoods, The Shire of Talonval
Student of THL Albyn Buckthorne, C.B.R., Sword Brother 
You read about all these Terrorists who hung around on these expired visas, 
some for as long as 10-15 years. Now, compare that to Blockbuster; if you are 
two days late with a video, those people are all over you. I think we should 
put Blockbuster in charge of Homeland Security... 
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