[Ansteorra-rapier] KWAR Merchants!

KWARPublicity KWARPublicity at aol.com
Mon Jun 26 22:56:23 PDT 2006

KWAR 2006 is only a few months away and we have a few remaining  
spaces available for merchants.  All merchants, artisans, costumers  
and crafts-folk from around the Known World are invited to sunny Caid  
offer their wares and services to this captive audience.  In  
addition, merchant areas are inside and virtually free of blowing  
dust and dirt!

All interested merchants should contact the Merchant Coordinator, THL  
John James MacCrimmon (jjmaccrimmon-(at)-yahoo-(dot)-com), at their  
earliest convenience to reserve space.  The space is limited and we  
wish to insure a broad cross section of merchants, artisans and  
vendors are represented.

KWAR 2006
September 8 - 10, 2006
Los Angeles, CA


Pre-registration ends August 18.

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