[Ansteorra-rapier] From the New Rapier General of Ansteorra

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Mon Nov 13 09:16:13 PST 2006

Greetings unto the rapier fighters of Ansteorra!

I am Don Avery Shaw, named this weekend as the Commander of the the Rapier
Armies of Ansteorra for this next Gulf War.  I know that it is November and
the War seems a long time away, but the armies of our enemies are already
gathering...training...hungering for our blood.  Therefore the time is now
to start preparing for the coming conflict.

I will be at Bordermarch this weekend to help us start.  Those who can be
there, please do so.  The more we work together now, the more we are ready
to fight for our King and Queen.  I will be talking with those running
various events coming up, see if we can have a few more war practices in
several regions.  Perhaps Coronation, perhaps Queens, others as we can find
them.  Please make sure your authorizations are up to date and your
equipment in good order.  Remember, Gulf War war points will be Heavy Rapier
only, so plan accordingly.

I hope to see as many of you as I can over the next few months.  Please
travel as you can to War Practices, help each other with equipment, and
let's be ready for War.

We are Ansteorra, we are where Rapier started, and we are the best.  Let's
make sure the rest of the known world remembers that...now and always.

In service to Crown and Kingdom,
Don Avery Shaw
Rapier Commander, Gulf War XVI

P.S.  Please feel free to forward this as appropriate.
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