[Ansteorra-rapier] Spanish Rapier Class

elizabeth at crouchet.com elizabeth at crouchet.com
Wed Jan 31 22:24:42 PST 2007



On 31 Jan 2007 at 23:51, Ed wrote:

> Sorry if you get this more than once.  Please pass this info on to
> anyone
> you think might be interested.
> I've been granted a slot on the Winter Wonders event schedule (Shire
> of
> Ardanroe - Shreveport, LA.) for a Spanish Rapier Class. Please come
> out and
> learn the foundation of Destreza and how to defeat vulgar
> techniques.
> 33 to 37 inch blades with simple hilts would be best for this class.
> Bring
> Masks / helms and gloves. There will be no open sparring during the
> class.
> If you plan on attending and have questions or just want to know
> more about
> Spanish Rapier please feel free to contact me.
> There will be other rapier activities as well.
> Gassion
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> Ansteorra-rapier mailing list
> Ansteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.org
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> rg

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