[Ansteorra-rapier] Announcing The Everyman Tourney: An Intermediate Rapier Tourney at GW XVII

Ceallach mac Donal ceallach at dwarfworks.com
Mon Mar 3 19:03:09 PST 2008

*What:* Everyman Tourney, GW XVII
*Where:* The Fort
*When:* Wednesday, March 12, 12:00pm-3:00pm

*Who is Everyman?*  Everyman does not have his Kingdom's Terminal Rapier
Award, but Everyman is out there fighting anyway.  Everyman goes to War and
has fun. Everyman is in the ranks taking orders and keeping the line.
Everyman can be a novice, a crossover, and the guy who has been fencing for
years and just has fun or even the deadly serious cadet or student.  And now
the Cadets, Wards & Students are proud to sponsor a tournament for the

Are you a White Scarf, MoBster, Bladesman or equivalent?  Then this is a
great tourney to come and watch (or even help marshal); after all Everyman
often enjoys hearing feedback...

*The Format:* Entrants will be divided up into 4 to 5 man pools for a Round
Robin.  Those who have the most victories in each pool will advance forward
into a Double Elimination format.

*The Prizes:* The victor of the Everyman Tourney will receive a Marco
Krieger Armory (http://www.mkarmory.com/) SCA legal rapier (42", Type 74
Guard, Type 10 inner guard).  In addition, every Cadet & Ward on the field
will have a token to give to the person on the field that impresses them
most during the Tourney.  The person who has the most of these tokens at the
end of the day will be awarded a metal target/buckler.

*The Rules:*  This tourney will be fought to Ansteorran rules and will be
Heavy rapier only.

*Who may enter:*  Any authorized fighter *EXCEPT WS/MoB/QB* or those who
consider themselves equivalent.

*Host: *The Kingdom of Ansteorra

Yours In Service,
Ld. Ceallach mac Donal
Cadet to Don Christian Doré

(Cross-posting and/or sharing of this post is happily encouraged)
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