[Ansteorra-rapier] Rapier Viking Battle at Axeman!

Lord Orlando Di Gilead orlando at agilejedi.com
Sun Nov 2 16:38:51 PST 2008

Greetings All. In the viking tradition of the Canton of
Skorragarðr<http://skorragardr.ansteorra.org/>, this
year's rapier competion at Axeman V will feature a viking style beach raid
known as "strandhögg"!
All rapier fighters will be divided into 2 teams. Each team will alternate
between the roles of villager (defenders) and ship's crew (raiders). Teams
earn points as raiders by stealing "livestock" from the defenders. To
recieve points for the livestock the raiders must bring the livestock to the
ship and have enough crewmembers left to un-beach their vessel.

Defenders earn no points but may thwart the raiders through melee or by
stealing the raiders' ship! Competion begins at 1PM on the Saturday of
the event and will continue for at least 2 rotations (more if everyone is
having fun!).

Axeman V will be held at Will Rogers Boyscout camp in Cleveland Ok. the
weekend of November 15th. Rapier competion does not begin until 1PM (perfect
for day trippers) but we will have pick-ups all day. The winning team will
be presented awards/prizes at evening court.

For more information about Axeman please check out their website:
Axeman V<http://sites.google.com/site/axemanv/>

Lord Orlando Giovanni Di' Gilead
Rapier Marshall, Barony of Namron
Rapier Marshall in Charge, Aveman V.

Checkout my blog @ http://blog.agilejedi.com
Checkout my homepage @ http://www.agilejedi.com
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