[Ansteorra-rapier] Guardian of the Gauntlet and Yule Revel coming soon!

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 12:19:35 PST 2009

Greetings unto Ansteorra!

Come one, come all!  The 15th Guardian of the Gauntlet tourney approaches!

Saturday, December 12th, bring your steel, your heart and your skill to Bryn
Gwlad to vye for the title of Guardian of the Gauntlet.  After the tourney,
stay for the joyous Yule Revel, hosted by Bryn Gwlad and Ffynnon Gath!
There will be dancing, games, camaraderie for everyone.  Dinner will be a
potluck, but with meat cooked and provided by the glorious new Incipient
Stronghold of Hell's Gate!

For more information, please see the website at:


Hope to see all there!

Don Avery Shaw
Baron of Bryn Gwlad
Current Guardian of the Gauntlet

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