[Ansteorra-rapier] Looking to pick a fight

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Fri May 27 07:04:52 PDT 2011

Good Morning,


  Right before Defender of the Roses I was authorized for Cut and Thrust
combat. Since then I've not had a lot of exposure to the various Cut and
Thrust styles around our kingdom. To help me address this shortcoming I
hereby issue the following challenge:


  On Saturday afternoon of Steppes Warlord, I shall face any and all Cut and
Thrust fighters to receive education via their actions and words. I will
start accepting challengers after my lady is settled in at the event, and
take challengers up until my lady or the Crown call me away for dinner /
circle. I will gladly accept new and repeat Cut and Thrust challengers on
Sunday morning around the rapier tournament and up until lunch or circle.


  Should you need to find me, I will take my rest under the Bryn Gwlad
pavilion, although I may take a few minutes to go to the hall to cool down.
Should I not be under the pavilion, generally there should be someone able
to direct you.


In appreciation,

Pug (the rapier fighter)

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