[Ansteorra-rapier] Field marshalling class at King's College

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 18:23:05 PDT 2012

Fair Greetings,

For the past several years, people may have heard me grumbling about 
the poor quality and lack of training of some of the marshals on our 
tourney fields (perhaps the worst example being the marshal who stood 
by and watched a fighter go past him, through the ropes and do a 
backwards somersault over a two-foot by four-foot concrete block at 
Gilyan's Queen's Champion.)

Well, rather than just grump quietly, I've decided to do something 
about it. I will be teaching a class on Basic Field Marshalling at 
King's College this weekend. If you're not sure if you're doing it 
right, or if you want to learn to do it better, and even if you've 
never marshalled at all but want to learn how, this is the class for 
you.  Saturday, 3:30, Outdoor Area 2 (you might want to bring a chair 
and some sunscreen.)

Note that this will be for both the armored and rapier fields.

	-Tivar Moondragon
Baronial, Regional, Principality, Kingdom and Society Rapier Marshal
Marshalled at everything from Tiny Tourneys at fighter practice to 
the main field battle at Pennsic War, and at events in fifteen 
different kingdoms.

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