[Ansteorra-rapier] Fwd: WMA foil blades

Iago Cabrera de Cadiz baroniago at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 12 05:09:55 PST 2012

 From the Deputy Society Rapier Marshal for blades:

Begin forwarded message:

> A note to all -
> Darkwood (and presumably others) now have an item listed as a "WMA  
> Rapier Foil blade".
> The name aside, this blade is not a foil as we define one.  
> (Interestingly our rules don't define foils at all.) This blade is  
> considered acceptable for heavy rapier, but NOT for light rapier.
> To avoid confusion given the name, we're going to add it to the  
> approved blades list just to specifically note that it is allowable  
> for heavy rapier, and it should not be used for light rapier.
> Thanks
> Thomas
> DSRM-blades
> (Thomas de Castellan
> Deputy Society Rapier Marshal for blades
> for our newer folks)

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