[Ansteorra-rapier] Proposed revision to rapier rules

Christy Mackenzie mackenzievet at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 15:03:53 PDT 2012

A few more cents from my corner:

This is a big kingdom distance-wise, and no matter how widely traveled
everyone on this list is, I suspect that part of this discussion arises
from the fact that some people have practices where epees exist, and some
don't, but we have to be open to realizing that what is the case in our
home Barony may not be the case everywhere.

Personally, I'm ok with epees just at practices, even though my favorite
memories of tourneys are nearly all of epee-only or epee-majority. I
recognize that although my personal preference is to play with the lighter
blades, the majority of the kingdom prefers to play with the heavier blades
and if I want to play with most people, I will have to at least try to use
a heavy blade.I also recognize that it is not the responsibility of the SCA
or the marshallate to cater to my specific physical issues. I will be sad
if I have to leave rapier fighting, but the world would keep turning.

 I must ask, however, what harm would allowing epee to continue cause the
kingdom and the fencing community? So far, the arguments that I have seen
against it is that it might inconvenience the marshals which, while I can
understand that it might be annoying, doesn't seem to me to be quite equal
to that of denying some people the ability to play at all. Granted, there
aren't many of us, but we're still here, and I'd like to think that we
still contribute at least a little bit to this great game we call rapier
fighting in the SCA.


On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:37 PM, James Crouchet <james at crouchet.com> wrote:

> If they are banned you cannot legally spar with them at SCA practices.
> Doré
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:03 PM, Andrew Heinrich <
> andrew.heinrich at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> The arguments for killing the foil are the same as the arguments for
>> killing the epee. I have lived here for 6 years, and in that time I have
>> only heard of one instance where an epee has been used in a tournament, a
>> tournament dedicated to recreating SCA rapier from 20 years ago or so.
>> You can train people with broom handles. Getting rid of Epee as a legal
>> weapon would not prevent people from teaching basics with an Epee.
>> - Mateo
>> --
>> it is good to know, it is better to do, it is best to be.
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