[Ansteorra-rapier] Proposed revision to rapier rules

Don Pieter donpieter at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 11 09:42:36 PDT 2012

My opinion on F/E I think is clear but that opinion holds no sway on my following comments. 

As a marshal I have to say the following. Your argument is invalid. Your examples are invalid

The reason for this is in your wallet, pouch, purse or whatever you carry your authorization card in. Pull it out and take a look at it. It's ok I'll wait ...... Ok look at it closely. In the rapier section and you will see three lines:
Rapier Combat
Rapier Combat Marshal
Heavy Rapier

The first RC is F/E authorizing you to fight with those weapons. The third is HR authorizing you to fight with those weapons. 

The second is RCM which authorizes you to marshal BOTH RC & HR. we no longer have HR marshals. If you are a RCM you must know how to be a marshal for all rapier weapons. If not then you should not be a RCM. 

Yes back in the foil-age marshals were few and far between and you had to search out marshals to assist you and fight. Back when HR was starting we had marshals just for them. We have special marshals for C&T because it is different. But saying "you have to work to make it happen" to find a marshal to facilitate an épée bout would be wrong, because ALL rapier marshals should be able to do it. 

As to your last point you are very right. The fact that the marshals have to know all about these weapons that are rarely used is a reason to remove them. 


Cave quid dicis, quando, et cui
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On Oct 11, 2012, at 11:05 AM, Jay Rudin <rudin at peoplepc.com> wrote:

> I disagree with you here. When there were few fencers in the principality, it was their responsibility to get a qualified marshal to the event. In 1979, I called Tivar to ask him to come to Steppes Warlord VI and marshal. In the early eighties, I was occasionally called and asked to attend an event, so people could fence.
> When schlagers first came in, the people who wanted to fight with them had to be sure a schlager marshal was present. C&T fighters need to provide their own marshals. 
> The SCA is a volunteer organization. If you want something to happen, then do the work to make it possible.
> (Besides, saying that we always have to provide epee marshals would provide a reason to consider banning them, since it would provide a burden on those that didn't even like them. Nope. If people want epees, they need to do what it takes to make it happen, not ask others to do it.)
> Robin of Gilwell / Jay Rudin
> -----Original Message----- 
> From: Brian O'hUilliam 
> Sent: Oct 11, 2012 10:52 AM 
> To: Ansteorra RapierNet 
> Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-rapier] Proposed revision to rapier rules 
>   I have to say that putting the burden on the fighter to find a competent marshal and/or asking a fighter to "stand down" because the marshal is unable to inspect a perfectly legal weapon is incredibly unfair.  If other fighters choose not to fight against the epee, that is their decision.  I also find the suggestion of dagger versus epee to be a woefully inadequate solution.  Having a marshal tell someone that they cannot participate because they are not familiar with a legal piece of equipment seems, to me at least, foolish and contrary to the rules.
>   And yes, I would say that a marshal who cannot inspect a weapon that is legal according to our rules falls short of competent.  No offense intended to those marshals who are not familiar with epee or foil, but if it's in the rules, a marshal should at least be familiar with the weapon.
>   I am neither for nor against this change, but if it's in the rules, it must be permitted.  The marshallate should know how to handle a situation that is perfectly permissible under the current rules.
> Brian
> Cadet to Don Brian MacCael
> Eight more months until I am, once again, Ansteorra's problem
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