[Ansteorra-rapier] Banning Foil & Epee - question

Pug Bainter pug at pug.net
Sat Oct 13 05:16:29 PDT 2012

No decision has been mad to my knowledge. I recommended the new laws be read and signed into law at Bjornsburg as all the powers that be will be there. The discussed items have not made it into the final document yet. 


Pug Bainter | pug.bainter at amd.com | pug at pug.net

On Oct 12, 2012, at 10:45 PM, James Crouchet <james at crouchet.com> wrote:

> I have a question for Pug and/or Iago:  has this decision already been made?
> I don't have time to waste trying to change someone's mind if they are already set in their course.  I am not here just to blow off steam so if there is no chance of changing this I have other things to do.
> Doré
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