[Ansteorra-rapier] Please Stop Now!

Deborah Wade rhiannonferchcian at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 12:55:29 PDT 2012

Thank you.  That is simple and clear.

 From: Iago Cabrera de Cadiz <baroniago at earthlink.net>
To: Ansteorra RapierNet <ansteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Monday, October 15, 2012 2:45 PM
Subject: [Ansteorra-rapier] Please Stop Now!
Please, do not flood my inbox and Magdelena's inbox just yet.

I have directed the marshal secretary not to send out ANY new cards simply because you don't want to fight epee. If you feel that strongly, take a sharpie to it and cross it out. Or simply say 'no.'

This situation will be resolved for the foreseeable future this weekend. If we do drop foils and epee blades, then she will have a ton of work to get done. If we don't, then send your email, but don't expect a new card until you either add an authorization or renew due to expiration. Demanding new cards like this will only waste kingdom resources and Lady Magdelena's time.

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