[Ansteorra-rapier] A question about how we "Weight" fighters

Candice Blaschke solarandraste at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 27 08:05:31 PDT 2012

It depends on how easy it is for the MIC to get the fencers to stand in straight line and follow directions. I think it took about 10 mineuts at DtG to get everyone lined up and the teams sorted. I'm sure there can be some modificaiton to fit needs. I particually like the won a tourney, won 10 tourneys, won 50+ tourneys part.
Candice / Caitilin

From: Kevin Wilson <kevwilson at swbell.net>
To: pug at pug.net; Ansteorra RapierNet <ansteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.org> 
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2012 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-rapier] A question about how we "Weight" fighters

Pug, I agree on Dante's. I like how it takes in account what other martial arts or other activities a person has done. But it does seem like a lot of work.

Probably my biggest concern over the one you're proposing to use is the "Royal Family" being weighted the same as a WS. For some, that's a fair assessment, but for some others, not nearly as much so.


--- On Thu, 9/27/12, Pug Bainter <pug at pug.net> wrote:

>From: Pug Bainter <pug at pug.net>
>Subject: Re: [Ansteorra-rapier] A question about how we "Weight" fighters
>To: ansteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.org
>Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012, 9:14 AM
>Good Morning,  This missive is as a combatant and not as the Baron of Bryn Gwlad.  The weighted melee format is one that is fast and furious. If the formatwas for each unit to bring a combined score of a certain level, the methodmight be different. In this case everyone will be ran through a queue overand over as much as they can stand getting a new team each time. While I'veseen this particular format used on the Armored field a lot, I've not seenit on the Rapier field so figuring out a translation can be difficult sosome tweaking may happen the day of the tournament if the powers who benotice it's not working well. Coming up with a format that can quicklyidentify the individual in line is the key to keeping this running smoothly.      In my opinion, the Talon isn't something that's taken off well and *if* itbecomes more prevalent it could be used as one of the weighting instead ofthe Cadet status. While I fully know that Cadet is not an award,
 it is anoutward sign that someone is serious about the activity and is seriouslyaiming towards top honors. (That is a topic for another day. *grin*)  With regards to combat, I'm of the opinion that someone who is highlyskilled in one of our martial art forms can transition over to the other,which we've shown with the "Grant" fighting melee at Gulf Wars. While thisis an Armored combat activity, there are those of the White Scarf andrelated orders that show up and participate while holding their own.   If you notice in the "weighting" system proposed, there was some thoughtgiven to how one would translate armored rank to rapier by shifting it downone rank. If you give a Rapier combatant a spear, they are likely to dookay, so the counter is that if you give a sword fighter a thrusting onlyweapon they are likely to do reasonably okay despite taking out some of theshots from their toolbox.  I think it'd be great to see other variations on this tried to
 figure outsome good methods for doing it. Provost Dante's format is fairly complicatedto get the initial ranking, but takes into the various aspects ofconditioning and skill that this type of "weighting" is simplifying.Ciao,Pug_______________________________________________Ansteorra-rapier mailing listAnsteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.orghttp://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/ansteorra-rapier-ansteorra.org _______________________________________________Ansteorra-rapier mailing listAnsteorra-rapier at lists.ansteorra.orghttp://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/ansteorra-rapier-ansteorra.org
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