[Ansteorra-rapier] War practice after Crown Lyst

Barone Orlando Di Gilead orlando at agilejedi.com
Thu Dec 17 17:03:09 PST 2015

The drums of war beat low and steady on the horizon. Now is the time to
bring our forces together and prepare to meet the Trimarian Hordes!

So, For those going to crown Lyst I'll be hosting a northern war practice
the next day. I'll have some scenarios for rapier combat prepared.

 Chivalric fighters and others are welcome.

The location is still TBD but will be in the vicinity of Crown Lyst @

Learn more here:

Don Orlando


Checkout my blog @ http://blog.agilejedi.com
Checkout my homepage @ http://www.agilejedi.com
Follow me on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/theagilejedi
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