[Ansteorra-rapier] Tivar's Birthday-brawl

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Wed Jul 1 20:59:54 PDT 2015

Just a reminder...

That's this coming Sunday (or Tuesday.)

(Note: For folks who haven’t been to Bryn Gwlad’s fighter practice in the
past few months, it has been moved from its long-time location at Patterson
Park to Beverly Sheffield Northwest District Park, at the corner of Albata
Avenue and Ardath Street in northwest Austin.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Chris Zakes <dontivar at gmail.com> wrote:

> Fair Greetings,
> I will be turning sixty in a few weeks. To mark this auspicious occasion
> (and to thumb my nose at the forces of entropy) I plan to fight at least
> sixty rapier bouts. To give everyone a chance to come play with me, I will
> be at Bryn Gwlad’s Sunday fighter practice on July 5th, starting around
> 1:00 and at the Tuesday fighter practice on July 7th, starting around 7:30,
> looking for opponents.
> --Tivar Moondragon
> (Note: For folks who haven’t been to Bryn Gwlad’s fighter practice in the
> past few months, it has been moved from its long-time location at Patterson
> Park to Beverly Sheffield Northwest District Park, at the corner of Albata
> Avenue and Ardath Street in northwest Austin.
> http://bryn-gwlad.ansteorra.org/pip.php)
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