[Ansteorra-rapier] Queen's Letters of Intent due TOMORROW!

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 08:02:07 PST 2015

Ansteorran Rapier Fighters!

Tomorrow is the LAST DAY to get your Letters of Intent in to Her Majesty!
Next week is Queen's Champion, Queen's Hope, and Kingdom C&T.  If you wish
to fight, you MUST send your letter stating so to Her Majesty by TOMORROW.
Please indicate which tourneys you are wishing to enter.  Her Majesty wants
all to come and fight and have a wonderful day, but you MUST let Her know

Send your letter to "queen at crown.ansteorra.org".  Do it now.  All the cool
kids are doing it!

Is that subtle enough? ;-)

KRM and Helpful Reminder

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