[Ansteorra-rapier] Tournament of Defence at Siglo de Oro

Andreas von Meißen scamiz at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 19:21:19 PDT 2015

Greetings, Ansteorra!

The Barony of Bryn Gwlad would like to invite rapier fighters of all levels
to Ansteorra's first Tournament of Defence, to be held from approximately
11:00 am - 2:00 pm at Siglo de Oro, on the 31st of October.

Based on the Tournament of Chivalry format, a Tournament of Defence is an
opportunity for all unscarfed fighters to receive one-on-one instruction
and feedback from White Scarves and Masters of Defence, in a
loosely-structured come-and-go environment.

All White Scarves and Masters of Defense present will be invited to take
the field, which will be broken down into two sections:
  - One half for detailed instruction on a particular topic of the student
and WS/MoD's choosing
  - One half will consist of five passes with a WS/MoD followed by feedback.
Unscarved fighters are then free to approach any White Scarf or
Master/Mistress of Defence they wish to work with, and rotate through as
many as they desire.

All fighters will be free to come and go as they please, and the field will
remain open until it is time to set up for the Bryn Glwad Rapier &
Chivalric championships.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Herr Andreas von Meißen
Bryn Gwlad Rapier Champion
Siglo de Oro Rapier MiC

Andrew R. Mizener / Herr Andreas von Meißen
Rowel Pursuivant, Kingdom of Ansteorra
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