[Ansteorra-rapier] [WSA] Kingdom C&T Championships Tourney

Andrew Heinrich andrew.heinrich at gmail.com
Sun Apr 10 18:56:12 PDT 2016

The weekend of this event is also the weekend of

1) My 5th wedding anniversary

2) our daughters first birthday (give or take).

It may well be that I cannot attend. ;)

I will make sure regalia gets there.

- Mateo

On Sunday, April 10, 2016, Sean Hertzberg via Ansteorra-Dons <
ansteorra-dons at lists.swordworks.org> wrote:

> Per Her Majesty's request, The Kingdom C&T Championship will be held on
> the Saturday of Steppes Warlord. It will be scheduled NOT to conflict with
> the Warlord Tourney. In addition, His Majesty has stated that he we VERY
> MUCH like to see some examples of the C&T Melee Experiment happen at
> Warlord as well. THis is a hint, bring your toys!
> Don Avery Shaw, MOD
> Kingdom Rapier Marshal
> --
> Ou l'ange borde la bete

it is good to know, it is better to do, it is best to be.
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