[Ansteorra-rapier] Kingdom Cut & Thrust Champion Tourney!

Sean Hertzberg colsith at gmail.com
Tue Apr 25 08:58:28 PDT 2017

Greetings to all Cut and Thrust fighters in Ansteorra!

Per the request of Their Stellar Majesties, the Kingdom C&T Championship
will be held at Dragons Fire Tor's event on Saturday, May 19th. The C&T
Tourney will take place after the DFT Rapier list, aprox. 2pm. We will look
at having a Round Robin, one pool or two, depending on how many are in the
list. Top 2 will meet in a best 2 out of 3 finals.
After the C&T Tourney, His Majesty has requested a series of demonstration
bouts to be fought with Cuts Only, no thrusts. Please bring your blades and
be ready to entertain!
I look forward to seeing everyone there, and good luck to whoever may be
the next C&T Champion of Ansteorra!

In service,
Don Avery Shaw, MoD
Kingdom C&T Champion (for a few more weeks)

Ou l'ange borde la bete
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