[Ansteorra-rapier] C&T Tournament Saturday

Northern Cut & Thrust Marshal northern-ct at marshal.ansteorra.org
Fri Apr 6 07:17:28 PDT 2018

Greetings All!

This is a reminder that The Barony of Namron will be hosting a C&T
tournament at the Norman Med Fair Saturday!

The lyst signup opens at noon and closes at 1245. First round starts at 1pm.

It will feature 3 rounds and be held in the SCA encampment at Med Fair.

Maximum sword length allowed is 38 inches (loaners are available). First
round will be single sword. Second round will be sword and buckler. Third
round will be counted blows at the barrier, rules and number of blows to be
determined by the combatants but combatants must disengage after a
successful blow. In the event that a tie occurs a fourth round will be
fought to determine the winner.

Combatants are invited (not required) to bring a personal herald to present
them on the field.


In service,

Don Orlando Giovanni

Northern regional C&T Marshal
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