[Ansteorra-rapier] Legion Oath at Queen's Champion

Chris Zakes dontivar at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 08:40:53 PDT 2020

 Fair Greetings, Queen’s Champion is less than three weeks away. It is
traditional, on the morning of Queen’s Champion, for the members of the
Legion of Swashbucklers to come forward and swear their Oath to the Queen.
However, in this year of the plague, crowding that many people that closely
together—however briefly—would be ill-advised. Therefore, after
consultation with Her Majesty, we will do things a little differently.
Instead of forming an unbroken chain, hand-to-shoulder to my hands on the
hilt of the Queen’s Champion’s sword, as is usually done, everyone should
bring one of their fighting blades with them, spread out a sword-length
from their neighbors, and form the unbroken chain by laying their sword
tips on the shoulder of the person in front of them. I, in turn, will hold
the tip of the Queen’s Champion sword, while Her Majesty holds the hilt.
That still gives us the unbroken chain, but with less chance of spreading
the plague. Also, to help control the plague, everyone *please* wear a mask
or other face covering at Queen’s. Remember, we’re trying to stab our
friends, not make them sick. -Tivar Moondragon Leader of the Legion of
Swashbucklers s
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