[Ansteorra-textiles] Fwd: CVM Cross Fleeces

Audette des Grenouilles audette at sapheron.org
Tue Dec 10 08:30:59 PST 2002

I've also bought a fleece from her, and was quite pleased with what I received.  I'm still working through it, otherwise I'd consider getting more... :)


Nancy Wederstrandt <nweders at mail.utexas.edu> said:
:I have bought fleece from this woman and it's quite nice.  She is going to
:college and the money she receives from her sheep she uses for tuition.  In
:case the ones who know what my sheep are - she's the one who produced Sean
:the sheep.  CVM make nice colored wool.  Sean was a CVM/Jacob Rambouillet
:cross and had lovely coloring.
:If you do get any please let her know Nancy from Austin sent you.
:>Delivered-To: nweders at mail.utexas.edu
:>X-WebMail-UserID:  crystalj at holly.colostate.edu
:>Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 17:22:47 -0700
:>Sender: crystalj <crystalj at holly.colostate.edu>
:>From: crystalj <crystalj at holly.colostate.edu>
:>To: nweders at mail.utexas.edu
:>X-EXP32-SerialNo: 00003291, 00003429, 00003578
:>Subject: CVM Cross Fleeces
:>X-Mailer: WebMail (Hydra) SMTP v3.61
:>Hello Everyone,
:>  I had my shearing done on Saturday.  That means that I have fleeces for
:>now.  I seem to have much long and larger fleeces this year.  I have not
:>weighed these fleeces but I have a good idea on what they weigh.  The
:>following is a list of the fleeces.  I have given each animal’s name, their
:>sex, their breed, their color, the weight, and the price I am asking for
:> This price does not include shipping. These are Medium to Fine fleeces, I
:>will note that also. This sheep are blanketed year round. All of these
:>are heavily skirted.  The following is what I have available. If you are
:>interested in any of these fleeces or have questions please e-mail me at
:>crystalj at holly.colostate.edu
:>Frosty ­ ram, CVM/Ramb.,  variegated gray, 10lbs, med. fine, $60
:>Ebony ­ ewe, CVM/Columbia., charcoal gray, 9 lbs, med. fine, $50 (the tips
:>this fleece is slightly felted)
:>Eve ­ ewe, CVM/Ram., black, 9 lbs, fine, $50
:>Ivory ­ ewe, CVM/Columbia, 8 lbs, med. fine, $45
:>Bailee ­ ewe lamb, CVM/Ramb., brown & white spotted, fine, 5 lbs, $35
:>Isis ­ ewe lamb, CVM/Border Leicester., variegated gray, med., 6 lbs, $30
:>Lynn ­ ewe, CVM/Border Leicester., variegated gray, med, 9 lbs, $55
:>Ebony ­ ewe, CVM/Columbia, charcoal gray, 7 lbs, med. fine, $40 (this is
:>year’s fleece)
:>Harriet ­ ewe,  CVM/Ramb., black, medium, $30 (this is last year’s fleece
:>it is slightly tippy)
:>All these fleeces are at least three inches in length but most are more
:>four.  I will be happy for send samples to any interested parties.  Thank
:>for your time.  I hope to hear from you soon.
:>Crystal Jo George
:>4 G Wool Farms
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:Ansteorra-textiles at ansteorra.org

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