Bards - Stage Fright

Lady Simone margiejr at
Fri Jan 14 02:02:51 PST 2000

For me I still get stage fright not so much in performing around the fires
or in the feast hall but in Competions were I know I'm being judged It's not
as bad as it used to be. but i after eight years i'm still scared out of my
wits when I get up to compete wish I had a solution for that one.  When I'm
not competing and Just walking the fires or performing at feast halls i'm
fine. I follow a few rules when performing outside of competion. polite
ask before you perform some people may not want to here you just then. 2.
Know your material 3. don't do a peice you cant belive in. they work for me
for general performance.
As for Competion stage fright I'm still clueless


> Greetings everyone,
> I am wondering what methods the bards on this list use to combat stage
> fright.  FOr those who feel it every time you get up how do you deal with
> so it doesn't hurt your performance?  For those of you who no longer fear
> having all eyes upon you how did you reach this point?  Stage fright has
> been my constant enemy for years now both mundanely and in the SCA, and I
> would like to find some way to conquer it so that I may more fully enjoy
> performing.
> In Gratitude,
> Anezka z Rozmitala
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