Bards - Welcome

Rayburn, Timothy TRayburn at
Mon Jan 3 10:26:21 PST 2000

> > I see that we have a few people on the list now.  Why don't we
> > introduce ourselves?

Greetings one and all,

I am Timothy of Glastonbury, and I hail from the Barony of Elfsea.  I have
been active as a bard since I joined the society some 7 years ago, three of
which I have actually played.  My current particular interests lie in
discovering more pieces related to my persona time period (the reign of John
I in England) and to write as the muse strikes me.

Timothy of Glastonbury
Protégé to Viscount Galen of Bristol
Bard of Mendersham
Bard of Kragenworth Keep

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