Bards - Working on Site Makeover Need help

Margaret Risher Ldy_Simone at
Thu May 18 00:21:11 PDT 2000

Greetings fellow Bards,

I've been up to my ears Coding the new Site for the Bardic College. weeding through literaly thousands of peices of material. Kingdom Histories, Documentation, and Bardic Intrest Materials and now I'm finaly in a position to put it all together. Now I need A little Help >From You all.

I have a few areas of the site I need information for.

One is a new section The Bards Gallery It is a section Dedicated to all the Bards Of Ansteorra. A place were any Bard in the kingdom Can showcase there work. If you would Like to Be included in the Gallery What I would Like to get is a Breif Personna Biography, Pictures If you have them, and the Works you have done that you would Like showcassed and a note if you want these works added to the on line Bard Book which will be able to be accessed on line as well as downloaded

I Also Need information about Past Titled Bards throughout our kingdom I already have the List for the Barony Of Elfsea and the Shire Of Mooneshadow. information on the past title Bards of Other groups is hard to come by. if any of you have any information on a List of your groups present and Past Titeled Bards and possibly a list of whos Been Priemer Bard in this kingdom it would be a great help.

I am also Now taking Papers on Bardic Documetation, Reserch Papers, Class handouts and teaching documents. in all areas of music, vocals, poetry, storytelling, juggling, riddles, puns, instraments, sheet music, music theory and history, Poetic history and style, prose histoies and style, Theatrical performing, kingdom  and group histories. i could increese the list but I won't basicly anything that falls into the bardic and performing arena 

It has also Been sugessted to me to Have a Memorandum section in the updated sites for Bards That have passed. I would like your feed back on wether or not to add this section to The Gallery. 

I have been gifted with some of the Past works of Voshti of the flamming tresses and do not know who to contact for permission to post her works any one with information on this area please contact me

There is still a lot of work to be done on the new site Before it goes on line. I Could realy use the help everyone has been offering here in the new futer especialy an Editor and a Proofreader

if anyone wants a copy of the bardic oerforming material being coded in before the new site is ready please send me a request for it it's about 10 megabites of information in total and will have to be sent to you in small peices

thank you all
In service
Lady Simone 

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