[Bards] Re: Bards - Bard of Namron at Beltane

Kathy Herndon kathy-herndon at utulsa.edu
Thu May 3 20:10:24 PDT 2001

Hersir Ulf wrote:
"in the form of a vocal audition"

Baron Aethelstan wrote:
"this must be one of those wierd norse grammar things
i bet it sounds better with music"

Ulf replied:
"it should be spelled "Wyrd""

Aethelstan then replied:
"we'll bottle the excess confusion and give it to
Ulfie and tell him it's Norseman Beard Styling Moose......."

Just to be sure I have this straight:
This audition would be a recreation of when Sven tried to
tell Bjarki from across the fjord that if he doesn't move
the Norns are gonna ride right over him on a pale moose.
(But such a pretty moose with such pretty curls...
and why are the Norns in plaid?)

(my sister was bitten by a moose...)

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