[Bards] Three Queens (Three Kings)

Walter Davis wdjr at excite.com
Mon Aug 18 07:06:55 PDT 2003

 Greetings Antonia and all bards, At our last shire meeting I expressed my desire for bardic performances to count towards war points and it was decided by most of those present that it would not.  HOWEVER, in The Black Star and also in the Rosenfeld newsletter, The Thorney Truth, it said they would.  I will get this cleared up at our next meeting.  If I have anything to do with it bardic will count!  I will post on the list as soon as I find out.  Our next meeting is on Aug. 20th. Ld Oudoceus--- On Mon 08/18, Dawn Rummel < dsrummel at yahoo.com > wrote:From: Dawn Rummel [mailto: dsrummel at yahoo.com]To: bards at ansteorra.orgDate: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 06:29:49 -0700 (PDT)Subject: Re: [Bards] Three Queens (Three Kings)
Will performing in and/or winning this competition give points to the queen the bard is representing (i.e., Catherine, Elizabeth, or Mary)?  If not, will there be a bardic aspect to the points awarded to the teams? AntoniaWalter Davis wrote:

Greetings to all Bards of Ansteorra! I am Ld Oudoceus Kynith, Titled Bard for the Shire of Rosenfeld.  Our shire will be having the Three Queens event in October at Lake Hawkins.  I would like to announce that that the bardic competition for the new Titled Bard of Rosenfeld will be held at this event.  Any normally accepted form of bardic piece will be allowed but the theme of the piece must be queen or queens.  This is to include any kind of queen; historical queen, fictional queen, queen bee, past or present queen of Ansteorra or any kingdon in the known world.  It just has to be queen related in some sort of way!  Also, since I am the current Titled Bard of Rosenfeld I will be in charge of the competition.  I will try my best to schedule the competition so that everyone who wants to compete will have a chance to perform, no matter what other activities he/she is involved in.  In order that I may compete to retain my title, of course, I! can not be included in the judging of the competition.  Therefore, I would ask for volunteers to be the judges of the competition.  I have decided that there will be a three judge panel for the competition.  I would ask that if you are known and experienced in the bardic arts that you would come to me in my time of need so that I might try to retain my title.  If you would be interested in being a judge please email me at walterd at lcii.net .  I will consult with other members of the shire concerning those who are interested in being a judge because there are a lot of you I don't know yet.  If you email me that you are interested but are not chosen to be a judge, I would ask that you consider yourself on standby in case one or more of the chosen three are not able to attend at the last moment.  I know that there will be a lot of volunteers of very high talent known throughout the kingdom for their bardic skills.!  I will have to pare the list down to three somehow so please don't take offence if you are not chosen.  If it becomes to difficult to choose due to the high calibre of volunteers I may just have to pick names out of a hat!  I can assure you that if you act as a judge of the performances I will do everything that I can to see that your time spent doing so will be comfortable and pleasant.  If you are interested, please contact me as soon as possible. Always your humble servant,Ld Oudoceus Kynith  _______________________________________________Bards mailing listBards at ansteorra.orghttp://www.ansteorra.org/mailman/listinfo/bards

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