[Bards] Performance Arts at Laurel's Prize Tourney

Dawn Rummel dsrummel at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 07:06:47 PDT 2004

At Laurel's Prize Tourney, performers of all types will have the opportunity to receive feedback from various Laurels.  The plan is as follows.  The day will be broken into types of performance: poetry, prose/storytelling, acting, vocal/musical, and dance.  Master Ihon and I will be recruiting Laurels to offer feedback and work with performers.  Performers are asked to register through the website or by sending me an e-mail requesting time (dsrummel at yahoo.com).  The amount of time allotted to each style will depend on the number of performers who sign up – so please sign up to get your name on the list (we will also accept "walk-ins" <grin>).  When you register (in either manner) please include the style you're requesting and the number of pieces you would like to perform.  On the day of the event, please bring copies of your piece(s) for the Laurels.  I look forward to seeing you all there!


Yours in service,

Doña Antonia



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