[Bards] Voices of the Star

Cathy Polakoff cathy.polakoff at comcast.net
Wed Sep 8 19:27:37 PDT 2004

Oh, and Tiggy, you should send something in, too, you know. Maybe the piece 
we performed at Argent Anniversary?

Anna bat Chaim
(AKA Anna the Nudge)

At 01:10 PM 9/7/2004 -0700, Alden Drake wrote:
>To all bards and their patrons lurking on this list,
>At present, the Ansteorran Bard Book, titled "Voices of the Star" has 29 
>submissions from 14 bards.  My thanks to all those who have sent me their 
>If you haven't submitted anything yet, don't wait!  The deadline is 
>October 1 - that's less than a month away!  I know there are more than 14 
>bards in this kingdom.  Granted, not everyone is a writer, but chances are 
>you know someone who is.  Have they submitted something for the book 
>yet?  Please ask them! (and give them my email address)  If you are going 
>to submit something, time is running out, so please don't put it off only 
>to discover you've passed the deadline.  This is a really-real deadline 
>folks.  I will *not* accept submissions past October 1, 2004, 11:59:59pm.
>If you're curious to know what bards have submitted something already, 
>here's the list (in alphabetical order.  If you see someone's name 
>missing, who you think should be on the list.  Please get in touch with 
>*them* (not me) and encourage them to submit something (to me).  My email 
>address is at the top of this letter.
>Alden Drake
>Annes Clotilde von Bamburg
>Antonia Santiago da Lagos
>Balthazar of Endor
>Celestria leDragon
>Dyan du Lac Calendre
>Eleanor Fairchild
>Elanor O'Ruark
>Faelan mac Eogan
>Lyllianne the Poetess
>Pendaran Glamorgan
>Robert of Galloway
>Serena Dominicci
>Simone Maurrian Ui'Dunlainghe
>I remain in service,
>Lord Alden Drake
>"The Bard Book Guy"
>Bards mailing list
>Bards at ansteorra.org
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