[Bards] Voices of the Star

Scarhart scarhart at chivalry.com
Tue Sep 14 19:51:53 PDT 2004

Lord Alden,


I apologize for not getting material to you earlier after giving you a
verbal agreement to do so. I have two songs for you, with music notation.
What format do you need them in? 




Andrew Scarhart


-----Original Message-----
From: bards-bounces+scarhart=chivalry.com at ansteorra.org
[mailto:bards-bounces+scarhart=chivalry.com at ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of
Alden Drake
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2004 3:11 PM
To: bards at ansteorra.org
Subject: [Bards] Voices of the Star


To all bards and their patrons lurking on this list,

At present, the Ansteorran Bard Book, titled "Voices of the Star" has 29
submissions from 14 bards.  My thanks to all those who have sent me their


If you haven't submitted anything yet, don't wait!  The deadline is October
1 - that's less than a month away!  I know there are more than 14 bards in
this kingdom.  Granted, not everyone is a writer, but chances are you know
someone who is.  Have they submitted something for the book yet?  Please ask
them! (and give them my email address)  If you are going to submit
something, time is running out, so please don't put it off only to discover
you've passed the deadline.  This is a really-real deadline folks.  I will
*not* accept submissions past October 1, 2004, 11:59:59pm.  


If you're curious to know what bards have submitted something already,
here's the list (in alphabetical order.  If you see someone's name missing,
who you think should be on the list.  Please get in touch with *them* (not
me) and encourage them to submit something (to me).  My email address is at
the top of this letter.


Alden Drake

Annes Clotilde von Bamburg

Antonia Santiago da Lagos

Balthazar of Endor

Celestria leDragon

Dyan du Lac Calendre

Eleanor Fairchild

Elanor O'Ruark

Faelan mac Eogan

Lyllianne the Poetess

Pendaran Glamorgan

Robert of Galloway

Serena Dominicci

Simone Maurrian Ui'Dunlainghe


I remain in service,

Lord Alden Drake

"The Bard Book Guy"

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